Gospel of John: Chapter 21 - Review of Chapter 21 About Chapter 21 Title Given Chapter 21: "Jesus Appears To His Disciples, For The Last Time" - telling Simon Peter three times to "Follow Me", and telling His disciples that Barnabus, the disciple whom "Jesus loved", would "Tarry till I come" Date Gospel Written: ~ 0 to 50 AD Gospel Written By: The Disciple Barnabas - the One "whom Jesus loved" (John:20,2) Title & Review Written By: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Date Web Page Published: September, 2004
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Review of Chapter 21: Outline of Review: List of Topics In Chapter:
Summary of Topics: - a list of topics, Plus, a summary of each topic (peace be upon Him) shows Himself to His disciples the third and last time, coming to them when they had all returned to the life and world that they had lived before they met Jesus (peace be upon Him) and became His disciples, signifying the difficulties any of us have in trying to accept the "Gift of God" for our age, even in the case of the disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him), who lived so intimately and personally with Jesus (peace be upon Him) for over three years, having given up everything of the world to be with Him, and some, like Simon Peter, having sworn to give up their own life for Him, but in the end, when Jesus (peace be upon Him) appeared to be now dead, they return to the life that they had enjoyed before meeting Jesus (peace be upon Him). Peter three times to his proper duty, which is as a disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him), which is as one who has become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him, and "One with" God within Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Him, and in this way, has become "One with" the Holy Trinity of God within him, before he dies to the world on the "outside" of him, as had both "John the Baptist" and Jesus (peace be upon Him) before him, in this way, providing another "Vehicle of God" for that age for feeding all of the Children of God in the world for that age with the grace and wisdom and truth of God for that age, and in this way, allowing God within him to "Feed His lambs", and "Feed His sheep", and in this way, allowing Simon Peter to truly become a "Fisher of Men". (peace be upon Him) tells Simon Peter that if he does not change, and begin to "Follow Him", if he does not accept the "Gift of God" for his age, which is what Jesus (peace be upon Him) has been offering him for over three years, and offering him again today this last time, then when he becomes old, and he finally dies to the world "outside" of himself, then the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) will gird him and pull him out of this world, taking him kicking and screaming to where he refused to go when he was still alive to the world "outside" of himself, taking him to where he refused to go when his going there willingly and freely with Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him, and with God within Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him, had great value in his life, so his final judgment could occur before he died to the world "outside" of himself, and in this way, had value to his eternal life, liberating his soul from his impure birth, before his death to the world on the "outside" of him, in this way, joining his soul with the wisdom surrounding his soul, establishing the "Palace of the soul", the "House of wisdom" within him, which in maturity would become his "Eternal life" in the hereafter or akhirah within him. Amen. upon Him), after shining the light of truth on Simon Peter, that he has not yet accepted Jesus (peace be upon Him), has not yet accept the "Gift of God" for his age, even though he "speaks the talk" he has yet to "walk the talk", then Jesus (peace be upon Him) leaves us with the identity of at least one "True Disciple" of Jesus (peace be upon Him, which is the writer of the "Gospel of John", which is the one "Loved by Jesus", which is the one who will "Tarry till I come", which from the clarity of this child is the disciple Barnabus, from the clarity of this child living at the feet of our Father, the "Gift of God" for our age, living at the feet of His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and Jesus (peace be upon Him) also leaves us with a brief description of the duty of such a disciple, which is to live as "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Him, and as "One with" God within Him, becoming in this way, the "Form of Jesus" for the world "outside" of us, the "Form of God" in the world, and as such living in the world for the next 600 years as one of the "True Representative of Jesus" in the world, living until he personally greets the next "Gift of God" to the world, which is the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), living until as Jesus (peace be upon Him) said, "Till I come" again.
Text of Review: Summary of Chapter 21: Outer Story:
In Chapter 21 Jesus (peace be upon Him) explains to His disciples for the last time, the true significance of His coming into the world on the "outside" of them in their age, that is, for each of them to become Him, to become His form on the "outside" of them, that is, to become "One with" Him within them, and "One with" God within Him within them, and in this way, to become "One with" the "Form of God" in the world on the "outside" of them, so God through them living in the world on the "outside" of them can continue to "Feed His lambs", which is all His little Children in the world in their age, and to "Feed His sheep", which is all of their brothers and sisters in the world in their age, that is, all of the brother and sisters of the now 12 disciples. The Inner Meaning:
The true significance of the coming of Jesus (peace be upon Him) into the world was to act as the "Guru of God" for all the "Lights on earth" in that age, transforming Them into the "Form of God" for Their age.
And this is true in the life of each of the 13 disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him), over 2000 years ago, as it is now true with each of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us) in our age, in the 21st century, for the disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him) then, and how they acted and responded then to the coming of Jesus (peace be upon Him) into the world "outside" of them, and the consequences then of their actions, both positively and negatively, provides us with a wonderful example of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us) now, and our current actions, and the possible consequences of our actions in the world "outside" of us now, today. It is certainly something to think about and reflect upon.
In this way, it was true then because Jesus (peace be upon Him) had come to them on the "outside" of them, and because God had given each of them to Jesus (peace be upon Him) on the "outside" of them, and for those of them who truly "heard Jesus" on the "outside" of them, that is, heard Jesus (peace be upon Him) through their wisdom within them selves, not just through their mind and desire on the "outside" of them, and in this way, have correctly accepted God as the one who sent Jesus (peace be upon Him) to the "outside" of them, for those among them who had truly done that, then they,
"Hath everlasting, and shall not go into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life (John: 5-24)".
And for those who didn't do that, then everything that they did was just drama, was just another reflection of trying to continue living on the "outside" of themselves, until the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) harvested them with His Net. Also, something for us in this age, as the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), to think about and to reflect on.
In this way, for the disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him) who where in truth "Lights of God on the earth", when Jesus (peace be upon Him) came into the world on the "outside" of them as the "Guru of God", Jesus (peace be upon Him) on the "outside" of them, and God within Him on the "outside" of them, joined together within them, and with the wisdom within them, that is, with the wisdom surrounding their soul, to over come the "enemy of their soul", which is them living on the "outside" of them, which is their life in the world that they currently see in their ignorance as existing on the "outside" of them, like the life of Simon Peter as a "fisherman" on the "outside" of him.
And Jesus (peace be upon Him) does this, this final explanation of the significance of Jesus (peace be upon Him) coming into the world on the "outside" of them in their age, Jesus (peace be upon Him) does this so beautifully in this last Chapter of the "Gospel of John", in Chapter 21, by drawing a contrast for us between two of the disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him).
The contrast between the disciple Simon Peter, who in Chapter 21 has not yet truly or fully accepted the "Gift of God" for His age, which is "Oneness with" the Holy Trinity within him, becoming in this way the "Form of God" for his age, and the 13th disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him), the disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him) who has been lost or discarded in the world as one of the original disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him), while Jesus (peace be upon Him) was living with His disciples in the world, as well as the disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him) who wrote this "Gospel of John", that is, is the author of this gospel from the clarity of this child, and is referred to in the "Gospel of John" as the "One loved by Jesus", and who later wrote the "Gospel of Barnabus" which was not included in the Bible by the Catholic Church when the Bible was first published, and since then has been discarded by the Catholic Church as not within the teachings of the Catholic Church, even up to the present time.
And Jesus (peace be upon Him) does this, Jesus (peace be upon Him) gives this final explanation of His significance, and the significance of His disciples in the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), by first asking Simon Peter three times if "He loves Jesus", and by then telling Simon Peter what will happen to him when he is an old man, if he does not change his way, if does not become a "Fisher of Men" rather than a "fisherman", if he does not put down his love and trust for the world on the "outside" of him, over his love and trust in Jesus (peace be upon Him) both within him and on the "outside" of him, his love and trust in the world on the "outside" of him, which in his case is being a "fisherman".
With Jesus (peace be upon Him) telling Simon Peter that if he does not change then when he becomes an old man, then one day, the "Angel of Death" (peace be upon Him) will catch him the same way that he is now catching fish, in His net, and then drag him kicking and screaming to the grave, to the place he would not willingly and freely go when he was still alive in the world, when it would have been of great value to him, in liberating his own soul from the cross of his impure birth, that is, if he does change his way, when he gets old the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him0 will drag him kicking and screaming to the "suffering of the grave, and to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), and if he does not change, to an "eternal life" of "separation from" God.
In this way, Jesus (peace be upon Him) provides us with this last clear explanation of the significance of His coming, and of His disciples being their, and what they must do while He is with them in the world, and the consequence of doing it both right and wrong, by drawing a contrast between the current state of Simon Peter, who has not yet become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him, and has not yet given up his life in the world on the "outside" of him, and the state of the disciple Barnabus, the one "loved by Jesus", the 13th disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him), and perhaps the only one, the only disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him) who truly accepted the "Gift of God" for his age, ether then, during the time Jesus (peace be upon Him) lived with them in the world on the "outside" of them, and after Jesus (peace be upon Him) left the world.
And in this way, perhaps Barnabus (peace be upon Him) was the only one of the 13 disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him) who actually "got it right", who actually become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon) within himself before Jesus (peace be upon) left the world on the "outside" of His disciples, and thank God, perhaps one was enough, if we in our age will only understand what happened then now, if we will understand it now in our age, and start to act accordingly, start to "get it right" in our age, start to do what Barnabus (peace be upon Him) did right in his age, but do in again in our age, before it is too late for us, as perhaps it was too late for Simon Peter, before we too die to the "outside" of us, or in Simon Peter's case, before the "Gift of God" for our age, leaves the "outside" of us before we become "One with" Him/Her. Amen.
For now in this last Chapter Jesus (peace be upon Him) also tells us that Barnabus (peace be upon Him) will stay with Jesus (peace be upon Him), that is, "tarry for a while, till I come (again)", that is, become the "Form of Jesus" in the world until the next coming into the world of the "Gift of God" for the next age, until the next "Gift of God" after the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), some 2000 years ago.
And that next age was the age of the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) some 1400 years ago, a Ministry or Prophethood in the world which in truth starts out as Jesus (peace be upon Him) coming into the world again, but this time being seen by the world as Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon) for the first 12 years of His Ministry in the world, and then changes with Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) going on Mi'raj, taking what Jesus (peace be upon Him) had brought from God to the next level, taking the level of the "heart of wisdom" to the "Light of Wisdom", to the opening the 8th heaven within us, and the meeting of God and Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) across the final veil within us, which is this "School of Contrast" within us that we call our body on the "outside" of us.
And in this way, with Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) meeting God at the top of the mountain, which is the top of our hard rocky heart, the top of our mind and desire, which is the "Throne of God" on the top of our head, in this way, removing the final veil separating a True Man from God, seeing God as the "Light of the Innermost Heart", with Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) seeing Himself in that "Mirror of the Heart" as a 16 year old youth with a downy mustache, and speaking directly to God, and doing all of this, this completing the "Religion" or the "Path" of God within us, the path that each of us must now walk within us, within God within us, after spending His first 12 years in the desert, which is when Islam officially begins, which is the official beginning of what the world today calls Islam, and the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
The beginning of the Islamic calendar which is when Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) leaves the desert, after spending 12 years in the desert, and in the 12 year in the desert, after going on Mi'raj within Himself, that is, first going to the desert after He was driven out of Mecca by His enemies, and then leaving the desert when He is invited to go to Medina and settle a dispute between the Jews and the Christians in that town, who are literally destroying the town and each other, and Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) agrees to go and mediate the dispute with one condition, that they all become Muslims, that is, that both factions, both the Jews and the Christians, put down their current belief and identity, and accept and follow the life and teachings of Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon Him), that is, become Muslims. And both the Jews and Christians agree, at least a majority of them agree, and Muhammad (peace be upon Him) goes to Medina, and this is the start of Islam in the world on the "outside" of us.
And the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him), with some other follows of Jesus (peace be upon Him), but not including any of the original other 12 disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him), are told by Jesus (peace be upon Him) while He is still living in the world, to go and greet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), and give Him the greetings and blessings of Jesus (peace be upon Him), which they all set out to do, but with only one of them staying alive in the world on the "outside" of them, for over 600 years, when Muhammad is born into the world and comes of age, and that disciple that personally greeted Muhammad (peace be upon Him) for Jesus (peace be upon Him), some 600 years after the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), as taught to us by our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), was the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him). Amen.
In this way, Chapter 21 suggests, if we have the eyes of wisdom to see it, the true reason and conclusion of the coming of Jesus (peace be upon Him) into the world, over 2000 years ago, with the real reason for Jesus (peace be upon Him) coming into the world at that time being to "pass the torch", that is, to provide a "Guru of God" to all of the "Lights on earth" at that time, with Jesus (peace be upon Him) being that "Guru of God".
And perhaps the only "Light on earth" at that time was the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him), with Jesus (peace be upon Him) coming into the world on the "outside" of Barnabus (peace be upon Him) to be the Guru of Barnabus (peace be upon Him), and teach him "what he did not know", in order for Barnabus (peace be upon Him) to be saved from destruction in the world on the "outside" of himself, and in order for God within him to "Feed His lambs", and to "Feed His sheep" through the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) for the next 600 years, until the next coming into the world of the next "Guru of God" for the next "Lights of God on earth", until the next coming of Jesus (peace be upon Him), into the world, and the next "disciples of Jesus", which in eyes of the world on the "outside" of us, was the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) and His followers.
And in this way, the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) came into the world in the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him) as perhaps the only true "Light of God" on the earth at that time, over 2000 years ago, as perhaps the only disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him) who truly hears Jesus (peace be upon Him), truly hears the "Word" of Jesus (peace be upon Him), truly hears the "Word of God" for that age, hearing it at that time, in that age, in the world on the "outside" of him, and truly believing in the God who sent Jesus (peace be upon Him) into the world at that time.
And in that way, like John the Baptist (peace be upon Him) before him, as the Holy Spirit of that age, and Jesus (peace be upon Him) before him, as the "Light of God" for that age, Barnabus (peace be upon Him) became the "Holy Spirit" and the "Light of God" for the world on the "outside" of him, for the next 600 years, until the coming of Jesus (peace be upon Him) again, that is, until what the world on the "outside" of us calls the coming of the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), over 1400 years ago. Amen.
And in this way, perhaps only the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) met the criterion explained to us by Jesus (peace be upon Him), in the "Gospel of John", for the true believer, that is,
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not go into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life (John: 5-24).
In this way, with the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) allowing Jesus (peace be upon Him) both within him and on the "outside" of Him, and God within Him, to becomes his soul joined with his wisdom, in this way, joining with God within him in what God is doing within him, which is revealing God to God within him, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within him. Amen.
In this way, allowing Jesus (peace be upon Him), and God within Him, to become the soul of Barnabus (peace be upon Him) within him, and in this way, allowing Barnabus (peace be upon Him) to become "Their Form", Their form in the world on the "outside" of him, in this way, to become the "Form of the Holy Trinity" within him, to become the "Flower of the Holy Trinity" of God within him, with the "Fragrance of God" both within him and on the "outside" of him. Amen.
In this way, allowing Jesus (peace be upon Him), and God within Him, to become the awakened wisdom and the liberated soul of Barnabus (peace be upon Him) joined as one within him, as the "Palace of the soul", the "House of wisdom" within Him, with the wisdom of Barnabus being the wisdom surrounding the soul of Barnabus, and the soul of Barnabus being the life within the impure birth of Barnabus, which when "Enlightened" through the "Presence of God" within Him, "Enlightened" through the "Presence of Jesus and God" within him, becomes the 6th life within Barnabus, which is his soul liberated from his impure birth, liberated from his life in the world on the "outside" of himself some 2000 years ago.
In this way, with Barnabus (peace be upon Him) allowing Jesus (peace be upon Him), both within him and "outside" of Him, and God within Him, to take Barnabus on the journey of "death before death" within himself that the disciple Simon Peter had refused to take, at least up to this point, up to the point of Jesus (peace be upon Him) leaving the world on the "outside" of himself, which is really cutting it very close.
In this way, as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us, we have to join with the wisdom, both within us and on the "outside" of us, and with God within our wisdom, and for this age, that means joining with Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us, and with God within Him, and with the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us) on the "outside" of us, to,
"Close down the world of hell within us, as well as, The world of jinns, and the world of fairies within us, Then to re-open the world of souls within us, And then to open the kingdom of God within us. Amen".
In this way, allowing the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) to die to death within himself before Jesus (peace be upon Him) left the world on the "outside" of him, and in this way, allowing Barnabus (peace be upon Him) to become the "6th life" within himself, to become the "Light life" within him, in this way, transforming his heart into the "Palace of the Soul" within him, into the "House of wisdom" within him, which in maturity became the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him).
Which in maturity become the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), who was revealed to the world on the "outside" of him some 1000 years after the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), and some 400 years after the age of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him).
And in this way, They are all One, all of the Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God are One, all of the 124,000 Prophets of God, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God, that God has sent into the world on the "outside" of us, for the last 200 million years, since the fall of Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them), are all One. They are all One within us, as we are all One in truth within Them. In this way, we are within them, and They are within us, both within us and on the "outside" of us, which is the main point of our life, to come to this understanding before it is too late, that we are all One, One now, and One then, One both in this age, and in all ages before it.
And realizing this without the slightest, starting to act accordingly, starting to act as the "Form of Them" within us, and letting Them within us be our soul, and our wisdom, and our truth, letting Them within us be "Our Life", and in charge of what happens to us, in this way, let Them be in the "driver's seat" with us in the "passenger's seat", with us helping Them navigate this life of ours back into the "Oneness" that is God, a "Oneness" that we have all come from in order to return with an understanding of that "Oneness", by gradually, each day, each waqt or time of prayer, each hour, and each moment and second, coming to a clearer understanding of "where we are", of "who we are", and of "what is happening" in our life within us.
In this way, as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us,
"Saying Al-hamdu lillah, that is, realizing that all praise and praising belongs to God and to God alone, saying Al-hamdu lillah for whatever comes before us, in this way affirming throughout the day, at each time of the day, that whatever comes to us is really in truth coming to us "From God", not from the world around us, or from "our efforts", or from karma, fate, or destiny, but always, and only from God, from God within us".
"And saying Allahu Akbar, that is, only God is Great, through the realization that only God can do anything of value with what God puts before us, so in this way whatever comes to us, that is, "From God" to us, is in truth not coming to us, because in truth "we don't exist", in truth it is coming "From God" within us, "To God" within us, to complete what God has started within us, and we are at best the witness, the "Witness of God", of what God is doing with His Creation within us, which is "Revealing True Man" within the Creation of God (the dunya or earth world) within us, as the "Oneness of God and His Creation" within us. Amen".
For as Bawa teaches us,
"Whatever happens to us is meant to correct us, to improve us. Any suffering that befalls us is meant to help us to go one step further."
"As longs as we have absolute certitude in God (that in truth "Only God" exists within us, that in truth "God is One" within us)."
"Then no matter what dangers, difficulties, troubles, or suffering that come to us, they will only make us move forward. This things help us to progress, to go forward on the path."
"Never forget your goal, which is to reveal God. Therefore, if we receive a blow on the back, that is a signal to move forward some more, that is a sign to progress. Amen.
May we all learn and become this truth of our life, and the truth of God within that, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, in this way, letting the "truth surrender to the truth" within us, and to do all of this before we die to the "outside" of us. Amen.
May we all learn to do this, by finding and becoming "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age on the "outside" of us, as the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) did for his age, finding and becoming "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age.
Now we must do the same, in this 21st century, we must find and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, which is Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, and now with the physical passing of His Holiness from the world on the "outside" of us, it is also the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us) on the "outside" of us, who are everyone living in this age, if that be our true intention, that is, if the true intention in our life is to become "One with" God within us before we die to the world on the "outside" of us, that is, if in truth we are a "Light of God on the earth" for our age, waiting for the "Guru of God" for our age, as the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) was for the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him) over 2000 years ago, then our life will progress, then our wisdom will reason over our fate, then the qualities of our higher self will become victorious over the qualities of our lower self. Amen.
In this way, we have a choice of an eternal life of "Oneness with" God, or of an eternal life of "separation from" God, a choice we must each make before we die, and "no choice" is a choice, a choice to continue to live as "separate from" God until we die, and to experience what that really means within us, for eternity, after we die.
My love you, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, may we all join in partnership with God within us to make this right choice, learning how to make it into God's Choice within us, and then we will be safe, for in truth God will always choose God, and when He does, we will be within Him. May we all learn to do it this way. Amen.
Please forgive this fool if there is anything in this review of the "Gospel of John" that is wrong or that offends you. This child is a fool, trying to live at the feet of our Father, the "Gift of God" for our age, our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
And as Bawa teaches us in the "Forward" of the beautiful book of wisdom,
"Forgive me the wrong, and accept the good. So I request."
A. Jesus Shows Himself To His Disciples, The Third And Last Time
Outer Story:
Jesus (peace be upon Him) shows Himself to His disciples the third and last time, coming to them when they had all returned to the life and world that they had lived before they met Jesus (peace be upon Him) and became His disciples, signifying the difficulties any of us have in trying to accept the "Gift of God" for our age, even in the case of the disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him), who lived so intimately and personally with Jesus (peace be upon Him) for over three years, having given up everything of the world to be with Him, and some, like Simon Peter, having sworn to give up their own life for Him, but in the end, when Jesus (peace be upon Him) appeared to be now dead, they return to the life that they had enjoyed before meeting Jesus (peace be upon Him).
They returned to their normal life in the world, which for some of them, including Simon Peter, was a fisherman, and seemingly forget all about Jesus (peace be upon Him) and what He had taught them, and what Jesus (peace be upon Him) had raised them in His love for them to now do in the world, which was to "Follow Me", that is, to now live in the world the way that I lived in the world when I was with you in the world, and do in the world what I did in the world when I was with you in the world, that is, to now become the "Form of Jesus" in the world, which are the qualities, the actions, the intentions, and the duties of God in the world.
To become the "Form of God" in the world now that Jesus (peace be upon Him) within them has now become their soul, their soul liberated from the cross of their elemental body within them, their soul liberated from the cross of their impure birth, and God has now become established within them, within Jesus (peace be upon Him) within them.
And in this way, now that they have become the "Flower of the Holy Trinity" within them, the same way that "John the Baptist" was before them, with the "Fragrance of that Flower of God" within them, when it comes to maturity within them, comforting all of the lives on the "outside" of them, until they too leave the world on the "outside" of them, before they die to the world on the "outside" of them. Amen.
From: "Gospel of John" - Chapter 21, Verse 1-14
1. After these things Jesus shewed Himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias: and on this wise shewed He Himself. 2. There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of His disciples. 3. Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto Him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately, and that night they caught nothing. 4. But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus. 5. Then Jesus said unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered Him, No. 6. And He said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes. 7. Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him (for he was naked), and did cast himself into the sea. 8. And the other disciples came in a little ship: (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits) dragging the net with fishes. 9. As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread. 10. Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught. 11. Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, and hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken. 12. Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine. And none of the disciples durst ask Him, Who art thou? Knowing that it was the Lord. 13. Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise. 14. This is now the third time that Jesus shewed Himself to His disciples, after that He was risen from the dead.
Inner Meaning:
In this last visit in the world on the "outside" of them, between Jesus (peace be upon Him) and His disciples, Jesus (peace be upon Him) is giving them their final reminder of what "He has done to them", of "How He has changed them", and what is now appropriate for their life in the world on the "outside" of them, that now they have become the "Flower of the Holy Trinity" within them, the same way that "John the Baptist" was before them, with the "Fragrance of that Flower of God" within them, when it comes to maturity within them, comforting all of the lives on the "outside" of them, until they too leave the world on the "outside" of them, before they die to the world on the "outside" of them. Amen.
And having reminded them of this truth of their life, they will only find peace in their life by starting to act accordingly, by "Following Jesus", by doing the same thing that Jesus (peace be upon Him) did in the world, not trying to revert back to a way of life in the world that is no longer appropriate for them, that is, the life of the fisherman. Rather they must become the "Fisher of Men", as Jesus (peace be upon Him) was during His stay in the world on the "outside" of them.
And such is the same story or lesson for the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) in our age, who lived intimately and personally with His Holiness for over 15 years, with our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), while He transformed us, if we let Him, into Him and Him into us, with Him becoming our soul liberated from the cross of our elemental body, from the cross of our impure birth within us, and with God now becoming within us, that is, within Him within us, and with us now becoming "His Form" in the world, which is the "Form of God" in the world on the "outside" of us, the "Form of God" in the world which are the qualities, the actions, the intentions, and the duty of God in the world.
That is, while Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) in our age transformed us, if we only let Him, into the "Flower of the Triple Flame of God" within us, which is the same "Flower of God" that occurred in the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), over 2000 years ago, that occurred in at least one of the disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him) over 2000 years ago, for example, like in the 13th disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him), in Barnabus, in the One "Jesus loved", the One "Jesus told to tarry a while till I come".
Now in our age, we too have become the "Flower of God" for our age, as the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), if we have only so let Him transform us in this way, while we lived with Him in the world on the "outside" of us, and if we have only so let Him bring that flower to maturity within us, since He left the world on the "outside" of us, the same flower as in the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), but now in our age in the context of the Islamic tradition, the same "Flower of God" which when it comes to maturity within us, if we have let it, will comfort all of the lives on the "outside" of us, until we too leave the world on the "outside" of us, and doing this, as both Jesus (peace be upon Him) and Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) before us have done, before they actually died to the world on the "outside" of Them. Amen. B. Jesus Calls Simon Peter Three Times To His Proper Duty
Outer Story:
Jesus calls Simon Peter three times to his proper duty, which is as a disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him), which is as one who has become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him, and "One with" God within Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Him, and in this way, has become "One with" the Holy Trinity of God within him, before he dies to the world on the "outside" of him, as had both "John the Baptist" and Jesus (peace be upon Him) before him, in this way, providing another "Vehicle of God" for that age for feeding all of the Children of God in the world for that age with the grace and wisdom and truth of God for that age, and in this way, allowing God within him to "Feed His lambs", and "Feed His sheep", and in this way, allowing Simon Peter to truly become a "Fisher of Men".
From: "Gospel of John" - Chapter 21, Verse 15-17
15. So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me more then these? He saith unto Him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love Thee. He said unto him, Feed my lambs. 16. He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me? He saith unto Him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love Thee. He saith unto him, Feed by sheep. 17. He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou Me? And he said unto Him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love Thee. Jesus saith unto him. Feed my sheep.
The Inner Meaning:
And all of this is very reminiscent of what happened to Simon Peter the day when Judas betrayed Jesus (peace be upon Him), leading the guards to Him for 30 pieces of gold, for at that time Simon Peter told Jesus (peace be upon Him) that he would lay his life down to protect Jesus (peace be upon Him), and Jesus (peace be upon Him) told Simon Peter that he would deny him three times before the cock next crowed, which is what happened.
So talking about what we will do, and doing it are two very different things, and the duty of God in the world can only be done by one who has truly "died before death", who has truly become "One with" God within us, before we are pulled to our death, to the suffering of the grave, and to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), by the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) within us, when our time in the world "outside" of us is over, when the agreement for our stay in this world on the "outside" of us has reached its limits, and we must now account for all of our actions, or lack of actions, in the world on the "outside" of us. C. Jesus Tells Simon Peter How He Will End Up If He Doesn't Change
Outer Story:
Jesus (peace be upon Him) tells this disciple, Simon Peter, how he will end up, if he doesn't change, if he doesn't give up the world on the "outside" of him, and instead, "Follow Me", that is, following the Example of Jesus (peace be upon Him) living in the world on the "outside" of them, and in this way, become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Him, and "One with" God within Him, in this way, becoming the "Holy Spirit" of God within Him, and the "Form of the Holy Trinity of God" on the "outside" of him, in this way, allowing Jesus (peace be upon Him), and God within Him, to "Feed His lambs", and "Feed His sheep", on the "outside" of him.
That this is not something that Simon Peter can do on his own, without joining in partnership with God within him to do it, without becoming "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Him, and "One with" God within Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Him, that only as "One" can this work of God in the world be done, not by Simon Peter on his own, no matter how exalted may be his intentions and effort in the world, and it he does do it this way, if he doesn't die to the world "outside" of him now, by becoming "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him now, and by becoming "One with" God within Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him.
Then Jesus (peace be upon Him) tells Simon Peter in the next verse that if he does not change, and begin to "Follow Him", if he does not accept the "Gift of God" for his age, which is what Jesus (peace be upon Him) has been offering him for over three years, and offering him again today this last time, then when he becomes old, and he finally dies to the world "outside" of himself, then the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) will gird him and pull him out of this world, taking him kicking and screaming to where he refused to go when he was still alive to the world "outside" of himself, taking him to where he refused to go when his going there willingly and freely with Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him, and with God within Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him, had great value in his life, so his final judgment could occur before he died to the world "outside" of himself, and in this way, had value to his eternal life, liberating his soul from his impure birth, before his death to the world on the "outside" of him, in this way, joining his soul with the wisdom surrounding his soul, establishing the "Palace of the soul", the "House of wisdom" within him, which in maturity would become his "Eternal life" in the hereafter or akhirah within him. Amen.
From: "Gospel of John" - Chapter 21, Verse 18-19
18. Verily, verily, I say into thee, When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shall be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not. 19. This He spake, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when He had spoken this, He saith unto Him, Follow Me.
The Inner Meaning:
Such is the warning for all of us, that our leaving the world on the "outside" of us only has value to our eternal life if we do it willingly and freely before we die to the "outside" of us, that we "give up the ghost" before it is pulled from us, giving it up in the "Name of God" within us, so "God within us" can complete what He has started within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen. D. Jesus Reveal One True Disciple Of Jesus, And His Duty Outer Story:
Jesus (peace be upon Him), after shining the light of truth on Simon Peter, that he has not yet accepted Jesus (peace be upon Him), has not yet accept the "Gift of God" for his age, even though he "speaks the talk" he has yet to "walk the talk", then Jesus (peace be upon Him) leaves us with the identity of at least one "True Disciple" of Jesus (peace be upon Him, which is the writer of the "Gospel of John", which is the one "Loved by Jesus", which is the one who will "Tarry till I come", which from the clarity of this child is the disciple Barnabus,
It is the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him), from the clarity of this child living at the feet of our Father, the "Gift of God" for our age, living at the feet of His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and Jesus (peace be upon Him) also leaves us with a brief description of the duty of such a disciple, which is to live as "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Him, and as "One with" God within Him, becoming in this way, the "Form of Jesus" for the world "outside" of us, the "Form of God" in the world, and as such living in the world for the next 600 years as one of the "True Representative of Jesus" in the world, living until he personally greets the next "Gift of God" to the world, which is the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), living until as Jesus (peace be upon Him) said, "Till I come" again.
From: "Gospel of John" - Chapter 21, Verse 20-25
20. Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple who Jesus loved following; which also leaned on His breast at the supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth Thee? 21. Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? 22. Jesus saith unto him, If I will that He tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou Me. 23. Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, he shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? 24. This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true. 25. And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. Topic D: Inner Meaning: - another beautiful summary of the "Gospel of John"
So this is the ending of the "Gospel of John", the last Chapter, and in truth, if we realize, understand, accept, and join with it, in partnership with God within us, it is also the beginning of the "Gospel of John", the first Chapter, with the "outside' of us becoming the "inside" of us, with God finally revealing to us the very essence of our life, which is to "Follow Him", by first becoming Him, by first becoming "One with" Him, becoming "One with" the Holy Trinity of God within us, with "us" becoming "His Form" in the world, with us becoming the "Flower of God" in the world, the "Flower of the Holy Trinity", the flower with the fragrance of God in the world, which are the qualities, the actions, the intentions, and the duty of God in the world, and with Him becoming our soul joined with our wisdom, with the wisdom surrounding our soul.
In this way, with Him joined as "One with" God within Him, and with our permission, with Them having joined as "One with" our soul within us, and with our wisdom within us, They have become victorious over the "enemy of our soul" within us, which is "us" living in our ignorance in the world on the "outside" of us, with Them having liberated our soul from its impure birth, which is the "outside" of us, and with God having become the truth within our wisdom.
In this way, by using Jesus (peace be upon Him), or Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), or Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), both within us and on the "outside" of us, as was the case in previous ages, as the "Example of our life", and in our age using Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), both within us and on the "outside" of us, in our age, as the "Example of our life", we can become victorious in our life, before we die to the "outside" of us.
And doing this by becoming "His Form" in the world on the "outside" of us, allowing Him to become our soul joined with our wisdom, which is our pure life, our 6th life within us, allowing God to bring this pure life to Perfection, in this way, allowing God to complete what God has started within us, which is our 7th life within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, which is the "Power within the Essence of Everything" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God (of this world or the dunya) within us, by first revealing True Man to True Man within us, which is the "Everything within the Essence of the Power" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man (of the next world or akhirah) within us, rather than becoming what we have currently become in our ignorance, rather than becoming what we have now become, which is the "enemy of our soul" within us.
Which is the life of "separation and differences", the life of selfishness, the life of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us, that in our ignorance we have given birth to and are currently growing and nourishing within us, with each look, thought, and actions in the world "outside" of us, a life which has become the life of sin both within us and on the "outside" of us, a life that in our ignorance we have now become "one with", and which will only lead us to hell, that is, will only lead us to the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him), to the suffering of the grave, and to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), after we die to the world on the "outside" of us, and in this way, leading us to an "eternal life" of "separation from" God within us, which in truth is hell within us.
For as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us, on page 54, in Chapter 3, "The World Within and Without", in the beautiful book of wisdom for our age, "The Wisdom of Man",
"May all of you dispel the disease known as the world, the dog known as desire, the demon known as the mind, the torpor (fascination) know as illusion, the pleasure that is the dream, the sadness that is the darkness of ignorance, the karma that is the torpor of the world."
("May you all dispel) the evil actions of Kalam (or time, the life of arrogance, karma, and illusion) that lead you to Kalan (to the Angel of Death [peace be upon Him] within us, to the suffering of the grave within us, to Qiyamah [the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment] within us, and to an eternal life of "separation from" God within us), and the nature and games of the 5 elements that collect and praise time."
"May you dispel all of these things and go beyond them to Allah, the original treasure which stands in the open space, the treasure of the innermost heart. Amen."
"May God give you the grace of His wisdom to dispel all of these evils. Amen. May God fill your hearts with His grace. Amen. (As He has allowed you to fill your hearts with His darkness, with everything that He has discarded in becoming God within you. Amen)."
Such is the life on the "outside" of us, a life that we are currently living and experiencing with our brothers and sisters in the world that we see in our collective ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, all the while acting as if the only things within us are things like our heart, our liver, our spleen, our lungs, our kidney, our stomach, our sexual organs, our brain, all of which we have in common with all of the creations of God that we see on the "outside" of us. Such is the level of arrogance, karma, and illusion within us, the level of desire for earth, women, and gold within us, which is truly a life of illusion, of body, trick, and danger within us, that keeps us from doing what we came here to do.
For as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us in the beginning of the "Forward" of the beautiful book of wisdom for our age,
"Man appearing on this earth, forgets God and falls into many a trap. He does not know to seek himself, although God exists within man. This "Pearl of Wisdom" is (provided) to explain this concept (of Oneness) in detail".
But what we have become "one with" in our ignorance, what we see and believe on the "outside" of us, is all false, for what in truth is within us is all of everything, is God, is what God has discarded to become God, and is what God is doing within us, which is becoming God again, but this time within us.
My dearest loving brothers and sisters, this is the truth of us, and the truth of God within us, for in truth we are "God happening" within "True Man happening" within the "Creation of God (or the dunya) coming to completeness" within us, and within this is the truth of God within us, which is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the "Creation of True Man (or akhirah) coming to maturity" within us.
This is the truth that we have come here to learn, and having learned it to become it, and having become it, to reveal God and True Man within it as One, and having done this, to allow it to again become One within us, to again become the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us. Amen.
And as such, the path of God and of True Man within us is like the path of the apple and the apple tree, the path of "truth surrendering to truth" within us, which in the case of the apple tree is the "apple happening" within the "apple tree happening" within the "apple seed germinating" while it is buried within the earth, which is the "truth of the apple seed" buried within the earth germinating, and is also the "apple seed happening" within the "sweet taste of the apple happening" within the "apple coming to maturity", while it is still connected to the apple tree, which is the "truth of the apple" coming to maturity on the apple tree.
And as such, Jesus (peace be upon Him) appeared in the world on the "outside" of us over 2000 years ago, as the Word of God, as the "From of the Holy Trinity" of God within Him, as the "Flower of the Holy Trinity of God within Him, with the "Fragrance of God" both within Him and on the "outside" of Him, as the "Form of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" within Him.
And Jesus (peace be upon Him) appeared again in the world on the "outside" of Him, over 1400 years ago, as Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), at least for the first 12 years of His Ministry, until the soul of Muhammad that had joined with His wisdom to become the "Palace of the soul", to become the "House of wisdom" within Him, joins with the light of wisdom within Him, becoming the "World of the dhat or essence of God' within Him, that is, until the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) goes on Mi'raj within Himself, establishing the 8th heaven or firdaus within Himself, and in this way, establishing the "Secret World of Allah" within Himself, establishing True Prayer within Himself, which is the prayer of the "One to the One who is" within Himself, and in this way "Completing the path or religion of God" within Himself, the path that we all must now walk within ourselves, back into the "Oneness" that is God and True Man within us, if that be our true intention, before we die to the world on the "outside" of us,
And in a similar way, Jesus (peace be upon Him) appeared again in the world on the "outside" of us, over 1000 years ago, as Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him, as the first part of His Ministry, until He becomes the "Muhaiyaddeen of God", until He walks the "path of God" within us and becomes the "Giver of life back to True Belief", which is God's belief in God or Iman within Him, revealing the Light of Purity, the Light of Iman to everyone living in the world on the "outside" of Him.
And in a similar way, Jesus (peace be upon Him) appeared again in the world on the "outside" of us, over 118 years ago, in 1886, as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), when His Holiness, our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) first came into the world on the "outside" of us, again at least as the first part of His Ministry, until He became "One with" Islam, with Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within Himself, within the "Secret World of Allah" within us, within His very own heart, as each of us now must do.
And now, in the 21st century, since 1986, when His Holiness like Jesus (peace be upon Him) before Him, and like Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) before Him, and like Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased within Him) before Him, was pull out of the world on the "outside" of Him by God, by God within us all, in this way giving birth to the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) in the world on the "outside" of us, which in truth is all of us living in this age, if that be our true intention.
That is, with each of us becoming the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us), becoming like Barnabus (peace be upon Him) before us, the "Form of God" for our age, the "Form of the Holy Trinity" of God within us for our age, the "Flower of the Holy Trinity" of God within us, with the "Fragrance of God" both within us and on the "outside" of us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, both within us and on the "outside" of us, if this be our true intention.
That is, if this be our true intention within us, which in truth is the intention of God within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, by first revealing True Man to True Man within us, that is, to become "One with" God within us before we too are pulled out of the world on the "outside" of us, by God within us, that is, before our agreement about the "outside' of us is over within us, before all of the food and water allocated for us during our stay in this earth world has been used up by us, and in this way, before the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) harvests us.
That is, before the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) within us pulls us kicking and screaming to the grave within us, to the "suffering of the grave" within us, to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, and to an "eternal life" of "separation from" God within us, in this way, if this becomes how we leave the world on the "outside" of us, which is not the correct way as planned for us by God within us, but is the default way if we fail to awaken to the "truth of us", and the "truth of God" within before our time is up, if we like some apple seeds fail to germinate, and failing to germinate just rot in the earth and finally die in the earth, becoming absorbed into the earth, forever breaking our connection to the story of True Man within the story of God within us, and the story of God within the story of True Man within us, that we came to the earth, to join with the earth within us, which is the Creation of God within us, to tell.
And in this way, if we are forced through our arrogance, karma, and illusion, by our desire for earth, women, and gold, to leave here this default way, kicking and screaming, then in the end we become subject to 105 million rebirths, ending as a worm in hell with only one level of wisdom, or consciousness within us, which is feeling. Such is our karma, our fate, our destiny, if we choose to continue living a life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, especially now after reading, and understanding these "Words of Truth", this Word of Jesus (peace be upon Him), of God within us for our age.
And now since 1986 and counting as the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us), Jesus is again appearing in the world on the "outside" of us, if as Jesus (peace be upon Him), and then Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), and then Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), and then Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and now the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), tell us,
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not go into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life (John: 5-24).
The choice is ours, not God's, the choice to now, before we die, to become either "One with" God within us, before we die to the world on the "outside" of us, or to continue to live as "separate from" God on the "outside" of us.
That is, to continue to life on the "outside" of us, with our dear brothers and sisters, as if "we" exist as "separate from" God, and as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, to continue to live this way on the "outside" of us, until we die, until our agreement with God within us is up, until the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) finally catches us in His "Fisherman's Net", and drags us kicking and screaming to hell, getting for our reward an "eternal life" of "separation from" God, whatever name you want to give it.
For as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us,
"Hell is simply the realization that we have separated ourselves from God, from the truth of us within the truth of God within us, from the only reality that will ever bring peace to our life in eternity, which is "Oneness with" God within us. Amen."
In this way, as Jesus (peace be upon Him) teaches us so beautifully in Chapter 21, in this last Chapter in the "Gospel of John", the coming of Jesus (peace be upon Him) into the world on the "outside" of us, either 2000, or 1400, or 1000, or 118 years ago, or now as the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), it is not about what Jesus (peace be upon Him) can do for us, is not about "working for wages to get into heaven", which is just the mind set of our living a life of "selfishness' as "separate from" God, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.
For in truth Jesus (peace be upon Him) appearing in our age, in the world on the "outside" of us, is the first step in our Judgment and then in our Salvation, it is about "God happening" within "True Man happening" within the "Creation of God coming to completeness" within us, it is about the "truth of God" within the "truth of us" germinating within us, before we rot and die in the earth, within the Creation of God within us, that is, it is about the "Seed of God" hidden within the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Creation of God" within us, germinating within us, revealing the Completeness of the Creations of God within us, which is a life of Iman, or absolute faith, certitude, and determination that "God alone exists", and the complete acceptance of the heart that "God is One".
And within that Completeness within us, within that Iman, it is about "Jesus (peace be upon Him) happening" within us, which in the beginning is true Christianity within us, it is our soul joined with our wisdom, as the life of purity within us, as the "Palace of the soul" within us, as the "House of wisdom" within us, and which in maturity is Islam, it is about "Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) happening" within "Jesus (peace be upon Him) happening" within the "Completeness of the Creation of God within us happening" within us, within us still living in the world on the "outside" of us, and as such we are One, "us", and the Creation of God within us, and Jesus (peace be upon Him), and Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) are One, and within that Oneness is God. Amen.
My love you, all my dearest loving brothers and sister. This is the "truth of us" within the "truth of God" within us, and this is the true significance of Jesus (peace be upon Him) coming into the world on the "outside" of us, and of this happening over 2000 years ago, and of this happening now, in our age, in the 21st century, it is all the same, it is all One within the love and justice and compassion of God within us, it is all about the same thing, the One thing, which is us becoming "One with" God within us, by us first becoming "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, with the life and teaching of God for our age, and for our age, that is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), which is all of us living in the world in this age, if that be our true intention.
That is, if we choose to become "One with" God for eternity before we die to the world on the "outside" of us.
For as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us,
"Stop working for wages to get into heaven on the "outside" of you, you will be very disappointed, and instead, join in partnership with God within you, to complete what God has started within you, which is to reveal God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us."
And do this, My Grandchildren, My Sons and Daughters, My Brothers and Sisters, by joining with God within you to first reveal True Man within the Creation of God (this world or dunya) within you, as the "Oneness of God and His Creation" within you, allowing True Man within you to reveal God within the Creation of True Man (the next world or akhirah) within you, as the "Oneness of True Man and His Creation" within you, and in this way, revealing the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, which in truth is God and True Man within you".
(Bawa) Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
(Bawa) Maliki yawmid-deen, Iyyaka na budu wa 'iyyaka masta'een, Ih-di nas-siratal mustaqueem, Siratul-latheena 'an'amta 'alaihim, Ghairil magh Shubi 'alaihim, wa ladh-Shaaleen. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.
(Bawa) Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
(Bawa) So be it, So be it, O Ruler of the 18,000 universes. So be it, So be it, O Most Merciful. So be it, So be it, O Most Compassionate. All praise and praising belong to God, and to God alone. Only God is Great.
(Bawa) Master of the Day of Judgment, Thee do we worship and Thine aid we seek, Show us the straight way, The way of those on whom Thou has bestowed Thy grace, And not the way of those on whom Thou has not bestowed Thy grace, And have gone astray. Amen.
(Bawa) So be it, So be it, O Ruler of the 18,000 universes. So be it, So be it, O Most Merciful. So be it, So be it, O Most Compassionate. All praise and praising belong to God, and to God alone. Only God is Great.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sister - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
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Gospel of John: Chapter 21 - Review of Chapter 21 About Chapter 21 Title Given Chapter 21: "Jesus Appears To His Disciples, For The Last Time" - telling Simon Peter three times to "Follow Me", and telling His disciples that Barnabus, the disciple whom "Jesus loved", would "Tarry till I come" Date Gospel Written: ~ 0 to 50 AD Gospel Written By: The Disciple Barnabas - the One "whom Jesus loved" (John:20,2) Title & Review Written By: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Date Web Page Published: September, 2004
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Review of Chapter 21: Outline of Review: List of Topics In Chapter:
Summary of Topics: - a list of topics, Plus, a summary of each topic (peace be upon Him) shows Himself to His disciples the third and last time, coming to them when they had all returned to the life and world that they had lived before they met Jesus (peace be upon Him) and became His disciples, signifying the difficulties any of us have in trying to accept the "Gift of God" for our age, even in the case of the disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him), who lived so intimately and personally with Jesus (peace be upon Him) for over three years, having given up everything of the world to be with Him, and some, like Simon Peter, having sworn to give up their own life for Him, but in the end, when Jesus (peace be upon Him) appeared to be now dead, they return to the life that they had enjoyed before meeting Jesus (peace be upon Him). Peter three times to his proper duty, which is as a disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him), which is as one who has become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him, and "One with" God within Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Him, and in this way, has become "One with" the Holy Trinity of God within him, before he dies to the world on the "outside" of him, as had both "John the Baptist" and Jesus (peace be upon Him) before him, in this way, providing another "Vehicle of God" for that age for feeding all of the Children of God in the world for that age with the grace and wisdom and truth of God for that age, and in this way, allowing God within him to "Feed His lambs", and "Feed His sheep", and in this way, allowing Simon Peter to truly become a "Fisher of Men". (peace be upon Him) tells Simon Peter that if he does not change, and begin to "Follow Him", if he does not accept the "Gift of God" for his age, which is what Jesus (peace be upon Him) has been offering him for over three years, and offering him again today this last time, then when he becomes old, and he finally dies to the world "outside" of himself, then the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) will gird him and pull him out of this world, taking him kicking and screaming to where he refused to go when he was still alive to the world "outside" of himself, taking him to where he refused to go when his going there willingly and freely with Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him, and with God within Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him, had great value in his life, so his final judgment could occur before he died to the world "outside" of himself, and in this way, had value to his eternal life, liberating his soul from his impure birth, before his death to the world on the "outside" of him, in this way, joining his soul with the wisdom surrounding his soul, establishing the "Palace of the soul", the "House of wisdom" within him, which in maturity would become his "Eternal life" in the hereafter or akhirah within him. Amen. upon Him), after shining the light of truth on Simon Peter, that he has not yet accepted Jesus (peace be upon Him), has not yet accept the "Gift of God" for his age, even though he "speaks the talk" he has yet to "walk the talk", then Jesus (peace be upon Him) leaves us with the identity of at least one "True Disciple" of Jesus (peace be upon Him, which is the writer of the "Gospel of John", which is the one "Loved by Jesus", which is the one who will "Tarry till I come", which from the clarity of this child is the disciple Barnabus, from the clarity of this child living at the feet of our Father, the "Gift of God" for our age, living at the feet of His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and Jesus (peace be upon Him) also leaves us with a brief description of the duty of such a disciple, which is to live as "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Him, and as "One with" God within Him, becoming in this way, the "Form of Jesus" for the world "outside" of us, the "Form of God" in the world, and as such living in the world for the next 600 years as one of the "True Representative of Jesus" in the world, living until he personally greets the next "Gift of God" to the world, which is the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), living until as Jesus (peace be upon Him) said, "Till I come" again.
Text of Review: Summary of Chapter 21: Outer Story:
In Chapter 21 Jesus (peace be upon Him) explains to His disciples for the last time, the true significance of His coming into the world on the "outside" of them in their age, that is, for each of them to become Him, to become His form on the "outside" of them, that is, to become "One with" Him within them, and "One with" God within Him within them, and in this way, to become "One with" the "Form of God" in the world on the "outside" of them, so God through them living in the world on the "outside" of them can continue to "Feed His lambs", which is all His little Children in the world in their age, and to "Feed His sheep", which is all of their brothers and sisters in the world in their age, that is, all of the brother and sisters of the now 12 disciples. The Inner Meaning:
The true significance of the coming of Jesus (peace be upon Him) into the world was to act as the "Guru of God" for all the "Lights on earth" in that age, transforming Them into the "Form of God" for Their age.
And this is true in the life of each of the 13 disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him), over 2000 years ago, as it is now true with each of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us) in our age, in the 21st century, for the disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him) then, and how they acted and responded then to the coming of Jesus (peace be upon Him) into the world "outside" of them, and the consequences then of their actions, both positively and negatively, provides us with a wonderful example of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us) now, and our current actions, and the possible consequences of our actions in the world "outside" of us now, today. It is certainly something to think about and reflect upon.
In this way, it was true then because Jesus (peace be upon Him) had come to them on the "outside" of them, and because God had given each of them to Jesus (peace be upon Him) on the "outside" of them, and for those of them who truly "heard Jesus" on the "outside" of them, that is, heard Jesus (peace be upon Him) through their wisdom within them selves, not just through their mind and desire on the "outside" of them, and in this way, have correctly accepted God as the one who sent Jesus (peace be upon Him) to the "outside" of them, for those among them who had truly done that, then they,
"Hath everlasting, and shall not go into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life (John: 5-24)".
And for those who didn't do that, then everything that they did was just drama, was just another reflection of trying to continue living on the "outside" of themselves, until the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) harvested them with His Net. Also, something for us in this age, as the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), to think about and to reflect on.
In this way, for the disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him) who where in truth "Lights of God on the earth", when Jesus (peace be upon Him) came into the world on the "outside" of them as the "Guru of God", Jesus (peace be upon Him) on the "outside" of them, and God within Him on the "outside" of them, joined together within them, and with the wisdom within them, that is, with the wisdom surrounding their soul, to over come the "enemy of their soul", which is them living on the "outside" of them, which is their life in the world that they currently see in their ignorance as existing on the "outside" of them, like the life of Simon Peter as a "fisherman" on the "outside" of him.
And Jesus (peace be upon Him) does this, this final explanation of the significance of Jesus (peace be upon Him) coming into the world on the "outside" of them in their age, Jesus (peace be upon Him) does this so beautifully in this last Chapter of the "Gospel of John", in Chapter 21, by drawing a contrast for us between two of the disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him).
The contrast between the disciple Simon Peter, who in Chapter 21 has not yet truly or fully accepted the "Gift of God" for His age, which is "Oneness with" the Holy Trinity within him, becoming in this way the "Form of God" for his age, and the 13th disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him), the disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him) who has been lost or discarded in the world as one of the original disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him), while Jesus (peace be upon Him) was living with His disciples in the world, as well as the disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him) who wrote this "Gospel of John", that is, is the author of this gospel from the clarity of this child, and is referred to in the "Gospel of John" as the "One loved by Jesus", and who later wrote the "Gospel of Barnabus" which was not included in the Bible by the Catholic Church when the Bible was first published, and since then has been discarded by the Catholic Church as not within the teachings of the Catholic Church, even up to the present time.
And Jesus (peace be upon Him) does this, Jesus (peace be upon Him) gives this final explanation of His significance, and the significance of His disciples in the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), by first asking Simon Peter three times if "He loves Jesus", and by then telling Simon Peter what will happen to him when he is an old man, if he does not change his way, if does not become a "Fisher of Men" rather than a "fisherman", if he does not put down his love and trust for the world on the "outside" of him, over his love and trust in Jesus (peace be upon Him) both within him and on the "outside" of him, his love and trust in the world on the "outside" of him, which in his case is being a "fisherman".
With Jesus (peace be upon Him) telling Simon Peter that if he does not change then when he becomes an old man, then one day, the "Angel of Death" (peace be upon Him) will catch him the same way that he is now catching fish, in His net, and then drag him kicking and screaming to the grave, to the place he would not willingly and freely go when he was still alive in the world, when it would have been of great value to him, in liberating his own soul from the cross of his impure birth, that is, if he does change his way, when he gets old the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him0 will drag him kicking and screaming to the "suffering of the grave, and to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), and if he does not change, to an "eternal life" of "separation from" God.
In this way, Jesus (peace be upon Him) provides us with this last clear explanation of the significance of His coming, and of His disciples being their, and what they must do while He is with them in the world, and the consequence of doing it both right and wrong, by drawing a contrast between the current state of Simon Peter, who has not yet become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him, and has not yet given up his life in the world on the "outside" of him, and the state of the disciple Barnabus, the one "loved by Jesus", the 13th disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him), and perhaps the only one, the only disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him) who truly accepted the "Gift of God" for his age, ether then, during the time Jesus (peace be upon Him) lived with them in the world on the "outside" of them, and after Jesus (peace be upon Him) left the world.
And in this way, perhaps Barnabus (peace be upon Him) was the only one of the 13 disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him) who actually "got it right", who actually become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon) within himself before Jesus (peace be upon) left the world on the "outside" of His disciples, and thank God, perhaps one was enough, if we in our age will only understand what happened then now, if we will understand it now in our age, and start to act accordingly, start to "get it right" in our age, start to do what Barnabus (peace be upon Him) did right in his age, but do in again in our age, before it is too late for us, as perhaps it was too late for Simon Peter, before we too die to the "outside" of us, or in Simon Peter's case, before the "Gift of God" for our age, leaves the "outside" of us before we become "One with" Him/Her. Amen.
For now in this last Chapter Jesus (peace be upon Him) also tells us that Barnabus (peace be upon Him) will stay with Jesus (peace be upon Him), that is, "tarry for a while, till I come (again)", that is, become the "Form of Jesus" in the world until the next coming into the world of the "Gift of God" for the next age, until the next "Gift of God" after the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), some 2000 years ago.
And that next age was the age of the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) some 1400 years ago, a Ministry or Prophethood in the world which in truth starts out as Jesus (peace be upon Him) coming into the world again, but this time being seen by the world as Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon) for the first 12 years of His Ministry in the world, and then changes with Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) going on Mi'raj, taking what Jesus (peace be upon Him) had brought from God to the next level, taking the level of the "heart of wisdom" to the "Light of Wisdom", to the opening the 8th heaven within us, and the meeting of God and Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) across the final veil within us, which is this "School of Contrast" within us that we call our body on the "outside" of us.
And in this way, with Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) meeting God at the top of the mountain, which is the top of our hard rocky heart, the top of our mind and desire, which is the "Throne of God" on the top of our head, in this way, removing the final veil separating a True Man from God, seeing God as the "Light of the Innermost Heart", with Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) seeing Himself in that "Mirror of the Heart" as a 16 year old youth with a downy mustache, and speaking directly to God, and doing all of this, this completing the "Religion" or the "Path" of God within us, the path that each of us must now walk within us, within God within us, after spending His first 12 years in the desert, which is when Islam officially begins, which is the official beginning of what the world today calls Islam, and the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
The beginning of the Islamic calendar which is when Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) leaves the desert, after spending 12 years in the desert, and in the 12 year in the desert, after going on Mi'raj within Himself, that is, first going to the desert after He was driven out of Mecca by His enemies, and then leaving the desert when He is invited to go to Medina and settle a dispute between the Jews and the Christians in that town, who are literally destroying the town and each other, and Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) agrees to go and mediate the dispute with one condition, that they all become Muslims, that is, that both factions, both the Jews and the Christians, put down their current belief and identity, and accept and follow the life and teachings of Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon Him), that is, become Muslims. And both the Jews and Christians agree, at least a majority of them agree, and Muhammad (peace be upon Him) goes to Medina, and this is the start of Islam in the world on the "outside" of us.
And the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him), with some other follows of Jesus (peace be upon Him), but not including any of the original other 12 disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him), are told by Jesus (peace be upon Him) while He is still living in the world, to go and greet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), and give Him the greetings and blessings of Jesus (peace be upon Him), which they all set out to do, but with only one of them staying alive in the world on the "outside" of them, for over 600 years, when Muhammad is born into the world and comes of age, and that disciple that personally greeted Muhammad (peace be upon Him) for Jesus (peace be upon Him), some 600 years after the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), as taught to us by our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), was the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him). Amen.
In this way, Chapter 21 suggests, if we have the eyes of wisdom to see it, the true reason and conclusion of the coming of Jesus (peace be upon Him) into the world, over 2000 years ago, with the real reason for Jesus (peace be upon Him) coming into the world at that time being to "pass the torch", that is, to provide a "Guru of God" to all of the "Lights on earth" at that time, with Jesus (peace be upon Him) being that "Guru of God".
And perhaps the only "Light on earth" at that time was the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him), with Jesus (peace be upon Him) coming into the world on the "outside" of Barnabus (peace be upon Him) to be the Guru of Barnabus (peace be upon Him), and teach him "what he did not know", in order for Barnabus (peace be upon Him) to be saved from destruction in the world on the "outside" of himself, and in order for God within him to "Feed His lambs", and to "Feed His sheep" through the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) for the next 600 years, until the next coming into the world of the next "Guru of God" for the next "Lights of God on earth", until the next coming of Jesus (peace be upon Him), into the world, and the next "disciples of Jesus", which in eyes of the world on the "outside" of us, was the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) and His followers.
And in this way, the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) came into the world in the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him) as perhaps the only true "Light of God" on the earth at that time, over 2000 years ago, as perhaps the only disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him) who truly hears Jesus (peace be upon Him), truly hears the "Word" of Jesus (peace be upon Him), truly hears the "Word of God" for that age, hearing it at that time, in that age, in the world on the "outside" of him, and truly believing in the God who sent Jesus (peace be upon Him) into the world at that time.
And in that way, like John the Baptist (peace be upon Him) before him, as the Holy Spirit of that age, and Jesus (peace be upon Him) before him, as the "Light of God" for that age, Barnabus (peace be upon Him) became the "Holy Spirit" and the "Light of God" for the world on the "outside" of him, for the next 600 years, until the coming of Jesus (peace be upon Him) again, that is, until what the world on the "outside" of us calls the coming of the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), over 1400 years ago. Amen.
And in this way, perhaps only the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) met the criterion explained to us by Jesus (peace be upon Him), in the "Gospel of John", for the true believer, that is,
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not go into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life (John: 5-24).
In this way, with the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) allowing Jesus (peace be upon Him) both within him and on the "outside" of Him, and God within Him, to becomes his soul joined with his wisdom, in this way, joining with God within him in what God is doing within him, which is revealing God to God within him, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within him. Amen.
In this way, allowing Jesus (peace be upon Him), and God within Him, to become the soul of Barnabus (peace be upon Him) within him, and in this way, allowing Barnabus (peace be upon Him) to become "Their Form", Their form in the world on the "outside" of him, in this way, to become the "Form of the Holy Trinity" within him, to become the "Flower of the Holy Trinity" of God within him, with the "Fragrance of God" both within him and on the "outside" of him. Amen.
In this way, allowing Jesus (peace be upon Him), and God within Him, to become the awakened wisdom and the liberated soul of Barnabus (peace be upon Him) joined as one within him, as the "Palace of the soul", the "House of wisdom" within Him, with the wisdom of Barnabus being the wisdom surrounding the soul of Barnabus, and the soul of Barnabus being the life within the impure birth of Barnabus, which when "Enlightened" through the "Presence of God" within Him, "Enlightened" through the "Presence of Jesus and God" within him, becomes the 6th life within Barnabus, which is his soul liberated from his impure birth, liberated from his life in the world on the "outside" of himself some 2000 years ago.
In this way, with Barnabus (peace be upon Him) allowing Jesus (peace be upon Him), both within him and "outside" of Him, and God within Him, to take Barnabus on the journey of "death before death" within himself that the disciple Simon Peter had refused to take, at least up to this point, up to the point of Jesus (peace be upon Him) leaving the world on the "outside" of himself, which is really cutting it very close.
In this way, as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us, we have to join with the wisdom, both within us and on the "outside" of us, and with God within our wisdom, and for this age, that means joining with Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us, and with God within Him, and with the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us) on the "outside" of us, to,
"Close down the world of hell within us, as well as, The world of jinns, and the world of fairies within us, Then to re-open the world of souls within us, And then to open the kingdom of God within us. Amen".
In this way, allowing the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) to die to death within himself before Jesus (peace be upon Him) left the world on the "outside" of him, and in this way, allowing Barnabus (peace be upon Him) to become the "6th life" within himself, to become the "Light life" within him, in this way, transforming his heart into the "Palace of the Soul" within him, into the "House of wisdom" within him, which in maturity became the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him).
Which in maturity become the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), who was revealed to the world on the "outside" of him some 1000 years after the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), and some 400 years after the age of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him).
And in this way, They are all One, all of the Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God are One, all of the 124,000 Prophets of God, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God, that God has sent into the world on the "outside" of us, for the last 200 million years, since the fall of Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them), are all One. They are all One within us, as we are all One in truth within Them. In this way, we are within them, and They are within us, both within us and on the "outside" of us, which is the main point of our life, to come to this understanding before it is too late, that we are all One, One now, and One then, One both in this age, and in all ages before it.
And realizing this without the slightest, starting to act accordingly, starting to act as the "Form of Them" within us, and letting Them within us be our soul, and our wisdom, and our truth, letting Them within us be "Our Life", and in charge of what happens to us, in this way, let Them be in the "driver's seat" with us in the "passenger's seat", with us helping Them navigate this life of ours back into the "Oneness" that is God, a "Oneness" that we have all come from in order to return with an understanding of that "Oneness", by gradually, each day, each waqt or time of prayer, each hour, and each moment and second, coming to a clearer understanding of "where we are", of "who we are", and of "what is happening" in our life within us.
In this way, as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us,
"Saying Al-hamdu lillah, that is, realizing that all praise and praising belongs to God and to God alone, saying Al-hamdu lillah for whatever comes before us, in this way affirming throughout the day, at each time of the day, that whatever comes to us is really in truth coming to us "From God", not from the world around us, or from "our efforts", or from karma, fate, or destiny, but always, and only from God, from God within us".
"And saying Allahu Akbar, that is, only God is Great, through the realization that only God can do anything of value with what God puts before us, so in this way whatever comes to us, that is, "From God" to us, is in truth not coming to us, because in truth "we don't exist", in truth it is coming "From God" within us, "To God" within us, to complete what God has started within us, and we are at best the witness, the "Witness of God", of what God is doing with His Creation within us, which is "Revealing True Man" within the Creation of God (the dunya or earth world) within us, as the "Oneness of God and His Creation" within us. Amen".
For as Bawa teaches us,
"Whatever happens to us is meant to correct us, to improve us. Any suffering that befalls us is meant to help us to go one step further."
"As longs as we have absolute certitude in God (that in truth "Only God" exists within us, that in truth "God is One" within us)."
"Then no matter what dangers, difficulties, troubles, or suffering that come to us, they will only make us move forward. This things help us to progress, to go forward on the path."
"Never forget your goal, which is to reveal God. Therefore, if we receive a blow on the back, that is a signal to move forward some more, that is a sign to progress. Amen.
May we all learn and become this truth of our life, and the truth of God within that, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, in this way, letting the "truth surrender to the truth" within us, and to do all of this before we die to the "outside" of us. Amen.
May we all learn to do this, by finding and becoming "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age on the "outside" of us, as the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) did for his age, finding and becoming "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age.
Now we must do the same, in this 21st century, we must find and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, which is Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, and now with the physical passing of His Holiness from the world on the "outside" of us, it is also the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us) on the "outside" of us, who are everyone living in this age, if that be our true intention, that is, if the true intention in our life is to become "One with" God within us before we die to the world on the "outside" of us, that is, if in truth we are a "Light of God on the earth" for our age, waiting for the "Guru of God" for our age, as the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) was for the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him) over 2000 years ago, then our life will progress, then our wisdom will reason over our fate, then the qualities of our higher self will become victorious over the qualities of our lower self. Amen.
In this way, we have a choice of an eternal life of "Oneness with" God, or of an eternal life of "separation from" God, a choice we must each make before we die, and "no choice" is a choice, a choice to continue to live as "separate from" God until we die, and to experience what that really means within us, for eternity, after we die.
My love you, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, may we all join in partnership with God within us to make this right choice, learning how to make it into God's Choice within us, and then we will be safe, for in truth God will always choose God, and when He does, we will be within Him. May we all learn to do it this way. Amen.
Please forgive this fool if there is anything in this review of the "Gospel of John" that is wrong or that offends you. This child is a fool, trying to live at the feet of our Father, the "Gift of God" for our age, our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
And as Bawa teaches us in the "Forward" of the beautiful book of wisdom,
"Forgive me the wrong, and accept the good. So I request."
A. Jesus Shows Himself To His Disciples, The Third And Last Time
Outer Story:
Jesus (peace be upon Him) shows Himself to His disciples the third and last time, coming to them when they had all returned to the life and world that they had lived before they met Jesus (peace be upon Him) and became His disciples, signifying the difficulties any of us have in trying to accept the "Gift of God" for our age, even in the case of the disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him), who lived so intimately and personally with Jesus (peace be upon Him) for over three years, having given up everything of the world to be with Him, and some, like Simon Peter, having sworn to give up their own life for Him, but in the end, when Jesus (peace be upon Him) appeared to be now dead, they return to the life that they had enjoyed before meeting Jesus (peace be upon Him).
They returned to their normal life in the world, which for some of them, including Simon Peter, was a fisherman, and seemingly forget all about Jesus (peace be upon Him) and what He had taught them, and what Jesus (peace be upon Him) had raised them in His love for them to now do in the world, which was to "Follow Me", that is, to now live in the world the way that I lived in the world when I was with you in the world, and do in the world what I did in the world when I was with you in the world, that is, to now become the "Form of Jesus" in the world, which are the qualities, the actions, the intentions, and the duties of God in the world.
To become the "Form of God" in the world now that Jesus (peace be upon Him) within them has now become their soul, their soul liberated from the cross of their elemental body within them, their soul liberated from the cross of their impure birth, and God has now become established within them, within Jesus (peace be upon Him) within them.
And in this way, now that they have become the "Flower of the Holy Trinity" within them, the same way that "John the Baptist" was before them, with the "Fragrance of that Flower of God" within them, when it comes to maturity within them, comforting all of the lives on the "outside" of them, until they too leave the world on the "outside" of them, before they die to the world on the "outside" of them. Amen.
From: "Gospel of John" - Chapter 21, Verse 1-14
1. After these things Jesus shewed Himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias: and on this wise shewed He Himself. 2. There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of His disciples. 3. Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto Him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately, and that night they caught nothing. 4. But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus. 5. Then Jesus said unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered Him, No. 6. And He said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes. 7. Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him (for he was naked), and did cast himself into the sea. 8. And the other disciples came in a little ship: (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits) dragging the net with fishes. 9. As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread. 10. Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught. 11. Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, and hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken. 12. Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine. And none of the disciples durst ask Him, Who art thou? Knowing that it was the Lord. 13. Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise. 14. This is now the third time that Jesus shewed Himself to His disciples, after that He was risen from the dead.
Inner Meaning:
In this last visit in the world on the "outside" of them, between Jesus (peace be upon Him) and His disciples, Jesus (peace be upon Him) is giving them their final reminder of what "He has done to them", of "How He has changed them", and what is now appropriate for their life in the world on the "outside" of them, that now they have become the "Flower of the Holy Trinity" within them, the same way that "John the Baptist" was before them, with the "Fragrance of that Flower of God" within them, when it comes to maturity within them, comforting all of the lives on the "outside" of them, until they too leave the world on the "outside" of them, before they die to the world on the "outside" of them. Amen.
And having reminded them of this truth of their life, they will only find peace in their life by starting to act accordingly, by "Following Jesus", by doing the same thing that Jesus (peace be upon Him) did in the world, not trying to revert back to a way of life in the world that is no longer appropriate for them, that is, the life of the fisherman. Rather they must become the "Fisher of Men", as Jesus (peace be upon Him) was during His stay in the world on the "outside" of them.
And such is the same story or lesson for the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) in our age, who lived intimately and personally with His Holiness for over 15 years, with our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), while He transformed us, if we let Him, into Him and Him into us, with Him becoming our soul liberated from the cross of our elemental body, from the cross of our impure birth within us, and with God now becoming within us, that is, within Him within us, and with us now becoming "His Form" in the world, which is the "Form of God" in the world on the "outside" of us, the "Form of God" in the world which are the qualities, the actions, the intentions, and the duty of God in the world.
That is, while Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) in our age transformed us, if we only let Him, into the "Flower of the Triple Flame of God" within us, which is the same "Flower of God" that occurred in the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), over 2000 years ago, that occurred in at least one of the disciples of Jesus (peace be upon Him) over 2000 years ago, for example, like in the 13th disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him), in Barnabus, in the One "Jesus loved", the One "Jesus told to tarry a while till I come".
Now in our age, we too have become the "Flower of God" for our age, as the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), if we have only so let Him transform us in this way, while we lived with Him in the world on the "outside" of us, and if we have only so let Him bring that flower to maturity within us, since He left the world on the "outside" of us, the same flower as in the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), but now in our age in the context of the Islamic tradition, the same "Flower of God" which when it comes to maturity within us, if we have let it, will comfort all of the lives on the "outside" of us, until we too leave the world on the "outside" of us, and doing this, as both Jesus (peace be upon Him) and Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) before us have done, before they actually died to the world on the "outside" of Them. Amen. B. Jesus Calls Simon Peter Three Times To His Proper Duty
Outer Story:
Jesus calls Simon Peter three times to his proper duty, which is as a disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him), which is as one who has become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him, and "One with" God within Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Him, and in this way, has become "One with" the Holy Trinity of God within him, before he dies to the world on the "outside" of him, as had both "John the Baptist" and Jesus (peace be upon Him) before him, in this way, providing another "Vehicle of God" for that age for feeding all of the Children of God in the world for that age with the grace and wisdom and truth of God for that age, and in this way, allowing God within him to "Feed His lambs", and "Feed His sheep", and in this way, allowing Simon Peter to truly become a "Fisher of Men".
From: "Gospel of John" - Chapter 21, Verse 15-17
15. So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me more then these? He saith unto Him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love Thee. He said unto him, Feed my lambs. 16. He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me? He saith unto Him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love Thee. He saith unto him, Feed by sheep. 17. He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou Me? And he said unto Him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love Thee. Jesus saith unto him. Feed my sheep.
The Inner Meaning:
And all of this is very reminiscent of what happened to Simon Peter the day when Judas betrayed Jesus (peace be upon Him), leading the guards to Him for 30 pieces of gold, for at that time Simon Peter told Jesus (peace be upon Him) that he would lay his life down to protect Jesus (peace be upon Him), and Jesus (peace be upon Him) told Simon Peter that he would deny him three times before the cock next crowed, which is what happened.
So talking about what we will do, and doing it are two very different things, and the duty of God in the world can only be done by one who has truly "died before death", who has truly become "One with" God within us, before we are pulled to our death, to the suffering of the grave, and to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), by the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) within us, when our time in the world "outside" of us is over, when the agreement for our stay in this world on the "outside" of us has reached its limits, and we must now account for all of our actions, or lack of actions, in the world on the "outside" of us. C. Jesus Tells Simon Peter How He Will End Up If He Doesn't Change
Outer Story:
Jesus (peace be upon Him) tells this disciple, Simon Peter, how he will end up, if he doesn't change, if he doesn't give up the world on the "outside" of him, and instead, "Follow Me", that is, following the Example of Jesus (peace be upon Him) living in the world on the "outside" of them, and in this way, become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Him, and "One with" God within Him, in this way, becoming the "Holy Spirit" of God within Him, and the "Form of the Holy Trinity of God" on the "outside" of him, in this way, allowing Jesus (peace be upon Him), and God within Him, to "Feed His lambs", and "Feed His sheep", on the "outside" of him.
That this is not something that Simon Peter can do on his own, without joining in partnership with God within him to do it, without becoming "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Him, and "One with" God within Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Him, that only as "One" can this work of God in the world be done, not by Simon Peter on his own, no matter how exalted may be his intentions and effort in the world, and it he does do it this way, if he doesn't die to the world "outside" of him now, by becoming "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him now, and by becoming "One with" God within Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him.
Then Jesus (peace be upon Him) tells Simon Peter in the next verse that if he does not change, and begin to "Follow Him", if he does not accept the "Gift of God" for his age, which is what Jesus (peace be upon Him) has been offering him for over three years, and offering him again today this last time, then when he becomes old, and he finally dies to the world "outside" of himself, then the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) will gird him and pull him out of this world, taking him kicking and screaming to where he refused to go when he was still alive to the world "outside" of himself, taking him to where he refused to go when his going there willingly and freely with Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him, and with God within Jesus (peace be upon Him) within him, had great value in his life, so his final judgment could occur before he died to the world "outside" of himself, and in this way, had value to his eternal life, liberating his soul from his impure birth, before his death to the world on the "outside" of him, in this way, joining his soul with the wisdom surrounding his soul, establishing the "Palace of the soul", the "House of wisdom" within him, which in maturity would become his "Eternal life" in the hereafter or akhirah within him. Amen.
From: "Gospel of John" - Chapter 21, Verse 18-19
18. Verily, verily, I say into thee, When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shall be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not. 19. This He spake, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when He had spoken this, He saith unto Him, Follow Me.
The Inner Meaning:
Such is the warning for all of us, that our leaving the world on the "outside" of us only has value to our eternal life if we do it willingly and freely before we die to the "outside" of us, that we "give up the ghost" before it is pulled from us, giving it up in the "Name of God" within us, so "God within us" can complete what He has started within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen. D. Jesus Reveal One True Disciple Of Jesus, And His Duty Outer Story:
Jesus (peace be upon Him), after shining the light of truth on Simon Peter, that he has not yet accepted Jesus (peace be upon Him), has not yet accept the "Gift of God" for his age, even though he "speaks the talk" he has yet to "walk the talk", then Jesus (peace be upon Him) leaves us with the identity of at least one "True Disciple" of Jesus (peace be upon Him, which is the writer of the "Gospel of John", which is the one "Loved by Jesus", which is the one who will "Tarry till I come", which from the clarity of this child is the disciple Barnabus,
It is the disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him), from the clarity of this child living at the feet of our Father, the "Gift of God" for our age, living at the feet of His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and Jesus (peace be upon Him) also leaves us with a brief description of the duty of such a disciple, which is to live as "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within Him, and as "One with" God within Him, becoming in this way, the "Form of Jesus" for the world "outside" of us, the "Form of God" in the world, and as such living in the world for the next 600 years as one of the "True Representative of Jesus" in the world, living until he personally greets the next "Gift of God" to the world, which is the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), living until as Jesus (peace be upon Him) said, "Till I come" again.
From: "Gospel of John" - Chapter 21, Verse 20-25
20. Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple who Jesus loved following; which also leaned on His breast at the supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth Thee? 21. Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? 22. Jesus saith unto him, If I will that He tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou Me. 23. Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, he shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? 24. This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true. 25. And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. Topic D: Inner Meaning: - another beautiful summary of the "Gospel of John"
So this is the ending of the "Gospel of John", the last Chapter, and in truth, if we realize, understand, accept, and join with it, in partnership with God within us, it is also the beginning of the "Gospel of John", the first Chapter, with the "outside' of us becoming the "inside" of us, with God finally revealing to us the very essence of our life, which is to "Follow Him", by first becoming Him, by first becoming "One with" Him, becoming "One with" the Holy Trinity of God within us, with "us" becoming "His Form" in the world, with us becoming the "Flower of God" in the world, the "Flower of the Holy Trinity", the flower with the fragrance of God in the world, which are the qualities, the actions, the intentions, and the duty of God in the world, and with Him becoming our soul joined with our wisdom, with the wisdom surrounding our soul.
In this way, with Him joined as "One with" God within Him, and with our permission, with Them having joined as "One with" our soul within us, and with our wisdom within us, They have become victorious over the "enemy of our soul" within us, which is "us" living in our ignorance in the world on the "outside" of us, with Them having liberated our soul from its impure birth, which is the "outside" of us, and with God having become the truth within our wisdom.
In this way, by using Jesus (peace be upon Him), or Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), or Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), both within us and on the "outside" of us, as was the case in previous ages, as the "Example of our life", and in our age using Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), both within us and on the "outside" of us, in our age, as the "Example of our life", we can become victorious in our life, before we die to the "outside" of us.
And doing this by becoming "His Form" in the world on the "outside" of us, allowing Him to become our soul joined with our wisdom, which is our pure life, our 6th life within us, allowing God to bring this pure life to Perfection, in this way, allowing God to complete what God has started within us, which is our 7th life within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, which is the "Power within the Essence of Everything" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God (of this world or the dunya) within us, by first revealing True Man to True Man within us, which is the "Everything within the Essence of the Power" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man (of the next world or akhirah) within us, rather than becoming what we have currently become in our ignorance, rather than becoming what we have now become, which is the "enemy of our soul" within us.
Which is the life of "separation and differences", the life of selfishness, the life of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us, that in our ignorance we have given birth to and are currently growing and nourishing within us, with each look, thought, and actions in the world "outside" of us, a life which has become the life of sin both within us and on the "outside" of us, a life that in our ignorance we have now become "one with", and which will only lead us to hell, that is, will only lead us to the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him), to the suffering of the grave, and to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), after we die to the world on the "outside" of us, and in this way, leading us to an "eternal life" of "separation from" God within us, which in truth is hell within us.
For as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us, on page 54, in Chapter 3, "The World Within and Without", in the beautiful book of wisdom for our age, "The Wisdom of Man",
"May all of you dispel the disease known as the world, the dog known as desire, the demon known as the mind, the torpor (fascination) know as illusion, the pleasure that is the dream, the sadness that is the darkness of ignorance, the karma that is the torpor of the world."
("May you all dispel) the evil actions of Kalam (or time, the life of arrogance, karma, and illusion) that lead you to Kalan (to the Angel of Death [peace be upon Him] within us, to the suffering of the grave within us, to Qiyamah [the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment] within us, and to an eternal life of "separation from" God within us), and the nature and games of the 5 elements that collect and praise time."
"May you dispel all of these things and go beyond them to Allah, the original treasure which stands in the open space, the treasure of the innermost heart. Amen."
"May God give you the grace of His wisdom to dispel all of these evils. Amen. May God fill your hearts with His grace. Amen. (As He has allowed you to fill your hearts with His darkness, with everything that He has discarded in becoming God within you. Amen)."
Such is the life on the "outside" of us, a life that we are currently living and experiencing with our brothers and sisters in the world that we see in our collective ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, all the while acting as if the only things within us are things like our heart, our liver, our spleen, our lungs, our kidney, our stomach, our sexual organs, our brain, all of which we have in common with all of the creations of God that we see on the "outside" of us. Such is the level of arrogance, karma, and illusion within us, the level of desire for earth, women, and gold within us, which is truly a life of illusion, of body, trick, and danger within us, that keeps us from doing what we came here to do.
For as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us in the beginning of the "Forward" of the beautiful book of wisdom for our age,
"Man appearing on this earth, forgets God and falls into many a trap. He does not know to seek himself, although God exists within man. This "Pearl of Wisdom" is (provided) to explain this concept (of Oneness) in detail".
But what we have become "one with" in our ignorance, what we see and believe on the "outside" of us, is all false, for what in truth is within us is all of everything, is God, is what God has discarded to become God, and is what God is doing within us, which is becoming God again, but this time within us.
My dearest loving brothers and sisters, this is the truth of us, and the truth of God within us, for in truth we are "God happening" within "True Man happening" within the "Creation of God (or the dunya) coming to completeness" within us, and within this is the truth of God within us, which is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the "Creation of True Man (or akhirah) coming to maturity" within us.
This is the truth that we have come here to learn, and having learned it to become it, and having become it, to reveal God and True Man within it as One, and having done this, to allow it to again become One within us, to again become the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us. Amen.
And as such, the path of God and of True Man within us is like the path of the apple and the apple tree, the path of "truth surrendering to truth" within us, which in the case of the apple tree is the "apple happening" within the "apple tree happening" within the "apple seed germinating" while it is buried within the earth, which is the "truth of the apple seed" buried within the earth germinating, and is also the "apple seed happening" within the "sweet taste of the apple happening" within the "apple coming to maturity", while it is still connected to the apple tree, which is the "truth of the apple" coming to maturity on the apple tree.
And as such, Jesus (peace be upon Him) appeared in the world on the "outside" of us over 2000 years ago, as the Word of God, as the "From of the Holy Trinity" of God within Him, as the "Flower of the Holy Trinity of God within Him, with the "Fragrance of God" both within Him and on the "outside" of Him, as the "Form of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" within Him.
And Jesus (peace be upon Him) appeared again in the world on the "outside" of Him, over 1400 years ago, as Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), at least for the first 12 years of His Ministry, until the soul of Muhammad that had joined with His wisdom to become the "Palace of the soul", to become the "House of wisdom" within Him, joins with the light of wisdom within Him, becoming the "World of the dhat or essence of God' within Him, that is, until the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) goes on Mi'raj within Himself, establishing the 8th heaven or firdaus within Himself, and in this way, establishing the "Secret World of Allah" within Himself, establishing True Prayer within Himself, which is the prayer of the "One to the One who is" within Himself, and in this way "Completing the path or religion of God" within Himself, the path that we all must now walk within ourselves, back into the "Oneness" that is God and True Man within us, if that be our true intention, before we die to the world on the "outside" of us,
And in a similar way, Jesus (peace be upon Him) appeared again in the world on the "outside" of us, over 1000 years ago, as Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him, as the first part of His Ministry, until He becomes the "Muhaiyaddeen of God", until He walks the "path of God" within us and becomes the "Giver of life back to True Belief", which is God's belief in God or Iman within Him, revealing the Light of Purity, the Light of Iman to everyone living in the world on the "outside" of Him.
And in a similar way, Jesus (peace be upon Him) appeared again in the world on the "outside" of us, over 118 years ago, in 1886, as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), when His Holiness, our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) first came into the world on the "outside" of us, again at least as the first part of His Ministry, until He became "One with" Islam, with Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within Himself, within the "Secret World of Allah" within us, within His very own heart, as each of us now must do.
And now, in the 21st century, since 1986, when His Holiness like Jesus (peace be upon Him) before Him, and like Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) before Him, and like Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased within Him) before Him, was pull out of the world on the "outside" of Him by God, by God within us all, in this way giving birth to the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) in the world on the "outside" of us, which in truth is all of us living in this age, if that be our true intention.
That is, with each of us becoming the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us), becoming like Barnabus (peace be upon Him) before us, the "Form of God" for our age, the "Form of the Holy Trinity" of God within us for our age, the "Flower of the Holy Trinity" of God within us, with the "Fragrance of God" both within us and on the "outside" of us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, both within us and on the "outside" of us, if this be our true intention.
That is, if this be our true intention within us, which in truth is the intention of God within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, by first revealing True Man to True Man within us, that is, to become "One with" God within us before we too are pulled out of the world on the "outside" of us, by God within us, that is, before our agreement about the "outside' of us is over within us, before all of the food and water allocated for us during our stay in this earth world has been used up by us, and in this way, before the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) harvests us.
That is, before the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) within us pulls us kicking and screaming to the grave within us, to the "suffering of the grave" within us, to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, and to an "eternal life" of "separation from" God within us, in this way, if this becomes how we leave the world on the "outside" of us, which is not the correct way as planned for us by God within us, but is the default way if we fail to awaken to the "truth of us", and the "truth of God" within before our time is up, if we like some apple seeds fail to germinate, and failing to germinate just rot in the earth and finally die in the earth, becoming absorbed into the earth, forever breaking our connection to the story of True Man within the story of God within us, and the story of God within the story of True Man within us, that we came to the earth, to join with the earth within us, which is the Creation of God within us, to tell.
And in this way, if we are forced through our arrogance, karma, and illusion, by our desire for earth, women, and gold, to leave here this default way, kicking and screaming, then in the end we become subject to 105 million rebirths, ending as a worm in hell with only one level of wisdom, or consciousness within us, which is feeling. Such is our karma, our fate, our destiny, if we choose to continue living a life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, especially now after reading, and understanding these "Words of Truth", this Word of Jesus (peace be upon Him), of God within us for our age.
And now since 1986 and counting as the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us), Jesus is again appearing in the world on the "outside" of us, if as Jesus (peace be upon Him), and then Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), and then Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), and then Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and now the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), tell us,
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not go into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life (John: 5-24).
The choice is ours, not God's, the choice to now, before we die, to become either "One with" God within us, before we die to the world on the "outside" of us, or to continue to live as "separate from" God on the "outside" of us.
That is, to continue to life on the "outside" of us, with our dear brothers and sisters, as if "we" exist as "separate from" God, and as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, to continue to live this way on the "outside" of us, until we die, until our agreement with God within us is up, until the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) finally catches us in His "Fisherman's Net", and drags us kicking and screaming to hell, getting for our reward an "eternal life" of "separation from" God, whatever name you want to give it.
For as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us,
"Hell is simply the realization that we have separated ourselves from God, from the truth of us within the truth of God within us, from the only reality that will ever bring peace to our life in eternity, which is "Oneness with" God within us. Amen."
In this way, as Jesus (peace be upon Him) teaches us so beautifully in Chapter 21, in this last Chapter in the "Gospel of John", the coming of Jesus (peace be upon Him) into the world on the "outside" of us, either 2000, or 1400, or 1000, or 118 years ago, or now as the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), it is not about what Jesus (peace be upon Him) can do for us, is not about "working for wages to get into heaven", which is just the mind set of our living a life of "selfishness' as "separate from" God, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.
For in truth Jesus (peace be upon Him) appearing in our age, in the world on the "outside" of us, is the first step in our Judgment and then in our Salvation, it is about "God happening" within "True Man happening" within the "Creation of God coming to completeness" within us, it is about the "truth of God" within the "truth of us" germinating within us, before we rot and die in the earth, within the Creation of God within us, that is, it is about the "Seed of God" hidden within the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Creation of God" within us, germinating within us, revealing the Completeness of the Creations of God within us, which is a life of Iman, or absolute faith, certitude, and determination that "God alone exists", and the complete acceptance of the heart that "God is One".
And within that Completeness within us, within that Iman, it is about "Jesus (peace be upon Him) happening" within us, which in the beginning is true Christianity within us, it is our soul joined with our wisdom, as the life of purity within us, as the "Palace of the soul" within us, as the "House of wisdom" within us, and which in maturity is Islam, it is about "Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) happening" within "Jesus (peace be upon Him) happening" within the "Completeness of the Creation of God within us happening" within us, within us still living in the world on the "outside" of us, and as such we are One, "us", and the Creation of God within us, and Jesus (peace be upon Him), and Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) are One, and within that Oneness is God. Amen.
My love you, all my dearest loving brothers and sister. This is the "truth of us" within the "truth of God" within us, and this is the true significance of Jesus (peace be upon Him) coming into the world on the "outside" of us, and of this happening over 2000 years ago, and of this happening now, in our age, in the 21st century, it is all the same, it is all One within the love and justice and compassion of God within us, it is all about the same thing, the One thing, which is us becoming "One with" God within us, by us first becoming "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, with the life and teaching of God for our age, and for our age, that is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), which is all of us living in the world in this age, if that be our true intention.
That is, if we choose to become "One with" God for eternity before we die to the world on the "outside" of us.
For as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us,
"Stop working for wages to get into heaven on the "outside" of you, you will be very disappointed, and instead, join in partnership with God within you, to complete what God has started within you, which is to reveal God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us."
And do this, My Grandchildren, My Sons and Daughters, My Brothers and Sisters, by joining with God within you to first reveal True Man within the Creation of God (this world or dunya) within you, as the "Oneness of God and His Creation" within you, allowing True Man within you to reveal God within the Creation of True Man (the next world or akhirah) within you, as the "Oneness of True Man and His Creation" within you, and in this way, revealing the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, which in truth is God and True Man within you".
(Bawa) Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
(Bawa) Maliki yawmid-deen, Iyyaka na budu wa 'iyyaka masta'een, Ih-di nas-siratal mustaqueem, Siratul-latheena 'an'amta 'alaihim, Ghairil magh Shubi 'alaihim, wa ladh-Shaaleen. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.
(Bawa) Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
(Bawa) So be it, So be it, O Ruler of the 18,000 universes. So be it, So be it, O Most Merciful. So be it, So be it, O Most Compassionate. All praise and praising belong to God, and to God alone. Only God is Great.
(Bawa) Master of the Day of Judgment, Thee do we worship and Thine aid we seek, Show us the straight way, The way of those on whom Thou has bestowed Thy grace, And not the way of those on whom Thou has not bestowed Thy grace, And have gone astray. Amen.
(Bawa) So be it, So be it, O Ruler of the 18,000 universes. So be it, So be it, O Most Merciful. So be it, So be it, O Most Compassionate. All praise and praising belong to God, and to God alone. Only God is Great.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sister - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
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